The singular Best Reason You Should RV Full Time

By Ralph Burns

When we first started to RV full time it was a little bit challenging.

It was hard to become accustomed to the very small living space, the lavatory smaller than a telephone booth, prolonged drives on monotonous interstates, determining how the cable tv functions at each camping area, too much fun black water drainings, incredibly talkative Motorhome neighbors, missing friends and family back at home....

However irrespective of everything after the initial seven to ten days, we started to comprehend exactly how nicely RVing fit our life-style, how comfy it actually is and how the little living space actually improves your life and just how liberating the voyage in fact is.

But by far, the best benefit of residing in an Rv full-time may be the complete and utter independence from "the scheduled life".

In the event that you may have children, you know what I'm speaking about.

It is the ceaseless scampering to soccer practice, lacrosse practice, swimming lessons, drum lessons, many different family events, infinite birthday parties, play dates and every other sorts of activity which takes up the majority of a suburban family's schedule.

It's stressful!

Despite the fact that all of those things are wonderful and are enjoyable to do, while you're RVing, you're entirely free from that life style and you're free to live life "unscheduled".

When you are RVing full time, you choose to go where you actually want to go and at whatever pace that pleases you. Not that you should not have some sort of timetable, because you ought to.

In fact, you need Rv park reservations in the heart of summer time. It is because Rv parks fill up extremely fast and you have to order in advance or you'll be shut out.

You will discover lots of Rv bloggers that mention precisely how living in an rv you're your very own boss, there's no reliance upon motels, airports, dining reservations and being one with the great outdoors.

Do not be deceived by any of that. The very best reason of all is liberation from the scheduled life.

Freedom and "location independence" is exactly what drove me to build a lifestyle designed to enable a full time RV life style for a year...or longer. Once I read The 4-Hour Workweek three years ago, it was all over for me. I knew I had to do it. And author Tim Ferris doesn't have children so he never even discussed this sort of liberation and freedom.

But for me personally there's no other freedom that tops it. Maybe in the course of our journey I'll miss all that scheduling, all the parties, the activities until then I'm not. It is a wonderful break and for me it is the very best reason to consider RVing full time.

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