9 Geologically Significant Sites Along the Glooscap Trail in Nova Scotia

By John Thompson

As the giant Fundy tides wear away the towering sea cliffs and wash the shores many interesting rocks, fossils, zeolites, and semi-precious stones are disclosed. With its fascinating geology dating back hundreds of millions of years the Bay of Fundy is paradise for geologists.

The Glooscap Trail, named after the native god who is said to have created FundyĆ¢€™s great tides, runs along the Fundy shoreline between the provincial border at Amherst and Windsor.

1. Milford - Low oval to dome-shaped hills, known as Drumlins, are made up of sediment leveled and shaped by glaciers throughout the last 100,000 years in Nova Scotia. Drumlins make glorious farmlands. As well as the Milford and Shubenacadie areas of Nova Scotia, Halifax's Citadel Hill and the islands in Mahone Bay are instances of drumlins.

2. Noel Shore - Tightly folded Carboniferous sandstones and mudstones overlain by slightly tilted red Triassic sandstones and conglomerates are found along the Noel Shore. The line between these 2 sorts of rocks, known as an unconformity, can be seen at Wet Cove, near Pembroke. This unconformity signifies a gap of over 100 million years that's missing from these rocks.

3. Burntcoat Head - Found along the southern shore of the Minas Basin, Burntcoat Head is officially home to the highest tides ever recorded. On October 5, 1869 the difference between low and high tide measured 54ft or 16.5m at Burntcoat Head.

Burntcoat Head is also a great location to view red Triassic sandstones and conglomerates, some of which display unique cross bedding created by currents of the rivers that once flowed thru this area.

4. Truro-Victoria Park - Victoria Park's Lepper Stream cuts through Carboniferous sandstones built up in ancient brooks.

5. Five Islands - Mi'kmaw legend claims that the native god Glooscap created these five islands - Moose, Diamond, Long, Egg and Apex - when he threw chunks of sod at Beaver. Signs throughout the park provide visitors with info about the region's geology and it is straightforward to spend the hours of low tide beachcombing. Sea dramatic cliffs with Jurassic lava flows covering essentially red Triassic sedimentary rocks, Jurassic sandstones and mudstones and a white layer that shows the border between the Triassic and Jurassic times - marking one of Earth's great extinction events.

6. Parrsboro - The largest community along the north shore of the Minas Basin, Parrsboro is a good place to witness the phenomenal power of the Fundy tides. These tides, the highest in the world, sculpt the shore daily exposing fossils, zeolites and semi-precious stones.

Canada's oldest dinosaur skeletons have been discovered in Jurassic sedimentary rocks near Parrsboro at Wasson Bluff. Rocks in this area are usually comprised of complexly faulted and tilted Jurassic sediments and volcanics, making it hard for the average beachcomber to see the fossils here.

Minerals like green celadonite, stilbite and chabazite can also be found through this region. Additionally, amazing perspectives can be enjoyed from the provoking basalt cliffs at Cape d'Or, near Advocate Harbour.

7. Port Greville - Two little continental fragments collided and dropped against one another approximately 390 million years back to make what's now the Province of Nova Scotia. The boundary, known as the Cobequid-Chedabucto Fault System, like California's San Andreas Fault, is a vital feature of geological and topographical maps of Nova Scotia. Where the Fundy lowlands meet the Cobequid Highlands, just north of Parrsboro at Crossroads, is a good place to view this fault.

8. Cape Chignecto - Made up of 600-foot soaring cliffs, 18 kilometres of pristine shore, steep ravines and old-growth forests, Cape Chignecto Provincial Park is found on the Western tip of the Avalon Eco-Zone along the Bay of Fundy. Not only is the park a great place to look at the tides, as they continuously lap at the base of the cliffs, Cape Chignecto is home to a few of the province's most major geological deep valleys.

As Fundy's dynamic tides beat against and wear away the Devonian-Carboniferous rocks at Cape Chignecto, a trio of sea stacks, called the 3 Sisters, were made and stand watchfully over the Chignecto Bay.

9. Joggins - Found at the head of the Bay of Fundy, the 75-foot high cliffs at Joggins are exposed to recurring tidal action and as Fundy's 50-foot tides wear away the cliffs, new fossils are revealed including a rich range of flora, diverse amphibian fauna, important trackways and some of the world's first reptiles. The Joggins Fossil Cliffs became famous in 1851 with the discovery of fossilized tree trunks found in their original positions. When these trunks were closer inspected, little bones were noticed which turned out to be one of the most vital fossil findings in Nova Scotia. These remains were from one of the planet's first reptiles and evidence that land animals had lived in the "Coal Age". Today the Joggins Fossil Cliffs are recognized in a top-class palaeontological site.

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