How To Choose A Tanzania Safari Tour Guide

By Claudine Hodges

It has been made overly clear just what traits to look for in a good expert. You need one that is not only reliable but also accountable and useful. However, you also need to know which qualities to avoid when looking for such a professional to work for you. There are certain qualities that the ideal Tanzania safari tour guide should possess. The following traits should be top on the to avoid list:

The first step you want to take is to advertise for the job in mind. The trick is here is to be as specific about the task at hand as possible. Research if you need to on which professional would best fit the task then advertise for that specific profession. When applications come in, do not take any that does not fit right into the specifications.

Once advertised, you can then set an interview date and specific time. Time here is the most important factor. See, a real professional understands how important it is to keep time. For this reason then, once you choose your select few candidates; ensure each is given a time when to show up for the interview. You should easily dismiss any that is late since it will be a good show of their work ethic in relation to time.

This done, now run an interview on each to see their experience and how well they understand the concept of what is expected of them. Use examples relative to your task to see how well they can handle the job. However, do not clearly state that the examples you are using are related to your task. You only use your task as an example since you understand it clearly and can therefore tell if they know what they are talking about. This will also give you a clear idea of how their mind works depending on how they answer the questions.

Being able to organize matters and break down issues into chewable bits is a very important trait. A real expert is able to take the big scope of a project and organize and break it down into simple bits. This enables them to assess the kind and amount of resources required to complete the project perfectly. This trait will make it easy for you to make progressions on when and how the project will be completed.

The entire point behind asking for references is so that you can find out the professionals work ethic. If the references provided are unreachable, it is highly likely that there is something that the candidate wants to hide. In such a case, it is safer for you to simply dismiss such a candidate than discover what they were hiding while they are working for you.

The one habit that you should not tolerate at any level is drug and alcohol abuse. It is very easy to pick up on such a habit as their mannerisms during the interview will show. This is why it is important to check their medical records since such a case will be clearly shown. Having a drug and alcohol abuser on board will put your project in jeopardy as you never know if they will show up for work or if they will spend money meant for supplies on their habit of choice. It is simply safer you avoid such.

Finally, take your last candidates on the site and get a feel of who they are at work. See how much of the project they are able to pick up on by simply being at the site. This should then make you able to choose which one is the best professional for your project.

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