All About China

By Jamie Delano

With over five trillion dollars in wealth China has become an economic force in the world today. How many people know anything beyond that simple fact though. There is a lot of diversity within the boarders of the nation and we will touch on some of them.

In total area China is one of the largest nations in the world with a total area of over 3.7 million miles. Mountains and deserts dominate the western part of the nation while hills and plains fill the eastern part of the country. In the south you have tropical heat while in the North there is snow and ice that rules the land.

The landscape of the country is mineral rich from one end to the other. The basics of iron, coal and steel are abundant for production and running the country. While for the future the country has one of the biggest stockpiles of rare earth minerals which are used in aerospace and high-tech manufacturing.

Within its boards with its varied environment, you have a range of animal and plant life that puts the country in the realm of the top 20 most bio diverse in the world. There are several plants and animals including some that can be found nowhere else in the world like the Giant Panda.

It would be no surprise to see that this land produces a range of crops and produce for its people and the world. China is the number one producer of rice and cotton in the world and a large producer of other crops such as corn and soybeans. This is matched by production in livestock and fish for use in the country and to export.

The people are as varied as the land with over one and a half billion natives who speak over seven different languages. There are over fifty five recognized minorities in China and the average age is around thirty five. Around forty percent of the population lives in the major cities such as Shanghai.

The country in addition has five nationally recognized religions in the nation although the primary state belief is agnostic. There are the western Catholic and Protestant faith as well as Islam as three of the recognized beliefs. Taoist and Buddhist beliefs are the two major Asian religious beliefs recognized by the government.

Many people when they look at China only see the fact that it is the largest exporter in the world and an economic force. There is more to it than that and with this overview you may be able to see the country as the diverse nation that it is.

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