The History of The Case: Hardside Briefcases

By Corey Billups

You may or may not know this but briefcases have been around for quite some time now. When they first showed up on the market they were typically used by salesmen. In the past just about all salesmen would travel long distances and they would use a briefcase to hold their materials. This was a technology that allowed them to be mobile business men.

So who else would carry a briefcase in the past that we would think of seeing them do it today? Gamblers. Yes that is correct gamblers would carry their briefcases because they did a lot of traveling if it was their means of making money. So they would show up in town with their cards, poker chips and other gambling materials right in their briefcase ready to work.

Traveling gamblers also loved the briefcase just like the salesmen loved his but for different reasons. Most career gamblers of those time were con men also known as hustlers. The would cheat people out of their money by rigging a game then get out of town as fast as possible. The briefcase allowed them to do just that.

Another type of person that would carry a briefcase in times past was doctors. As you might already know there were not that many doctors or hospitals back then , so what the few doctors would have to do is carry their medicine and all other materials in briefcase in order to make home visits. Although it sounds very out of this world to us today I wish I could have a doctor stop by my place every now and then for a checkup.

It is clear to see that the briefcase has a very interesting history, and looking at the role that the briefcase has today we can easily say that t has evolved over time.

The one thing that has remained constant with the briefcase is that since it was originally created it has always had more than one purpose. In the past doctors used it for medicine, gamblers used to help them get away and salesmen used it to hold their material. Today you might see a business man walking with his briefcase or you might meet someone like me that just has the briefcase lying around the house until I need it.

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