Oh Those Annoying Period Cramps

By Adriana Noton

Many women suffer from period cramps. By some estimates over eighty percent of women will have some type of discomfort with their regular period, and most have grown to accept this as a normal course of things. Of course, there is no reason why this needs to be the case, as there are some simple, easy fixes to resolving or managing this recurring issue.

Many of these tips and tricks can seem counterintuitive. For example, one of the best ways to manage pain during that time of the month is exercise. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but getting the muscles in your body moving will reduce any inflammation, and do wonders to relieve pain by having your body produce natural pain-fighting chemicals.

A soothing cup of tea can also sometimes do wonders. It is important to know that many pain drugs actually use manufactured extracts that are meant to mimic what some of these herbs do naturally. However, a natural remedy might be easier on the body and have no side effects. Some common teas used are chamomile, raspberry, and mint.

Another great way to combat period cramps is through heat. Taking a hot shower or a hot bath can relax and rejuvenate the entire body, and make all of your muscles feel better. Using a hot compress or a hot water battle can also do wonders for pain relief. Sometimes, another simple remedy is to simply tie a scarf around your midsection, compressing the area and providing relief.

What is vital to understand is that sometimes pain is the body's way of telling you that there are some things missing, and sometimes what is missing is vital nutrients. Researchers have found that women who increase their calcium intake during their menstruation not only feel better, but are living healthier as well. It can be easy to not take in as much calcium as needed, as many of us live hectic lives.

Along with calcium, another important nutrient is magnesium. This nutrient is best absorbed naturally, avoiding synthetic versions which many not be properly handled by the body's systems. Many healthy foods such as raw veggies or tofu contain magnesium and can help the body absorb it better. Sufficient levels of this nutrient will work to help your body absorb all others.

Many women may think that the best way to deal with this is through medication, and in some severe cases, women will even use powerful prescription drugs to deal with this constant issue. The body doesn't cope well with constant doses of pharmaceuticals such as that and using pain relief medication a lot can actually cause the pain to worsen, instead of get better. Whenever possible, its best to try alternative methods first, before resorting to pain medication.

Menstrual cramps do not need to be a fact of life every month for many women. Simply staying in touch with what the body needs and fulfilling those needs, many of the aspects of the body can be improved, and not just in the way of pain relief.

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