Learning And Fun Are Integral Parts Of Washington DC Class Trips

By Angelique Larsen

Students can have fun and learn while on Washington DC class trips. For many children, mostly teens, a trip to the United States capital is their first travel experience without their parents. This trip can be fun and educational in several ways. It is a chance for students to learn history while also learning about themselves.

A trip to the nation's capital is a chance to see first hand where history has taken place. It is an opportunity to see the many monuments commemorating great, famous people. It is also an opportunity to visit many of the best museums in the world. This type of trip is a chance to experience what has only been read about in books previously.

A trip such as this may be the first time that many kids have been away from home over night without their parents. This can lead to maturity as they overcome fears or anxieties. The experience can give the first feelings of independence and individual freedom. This can be exciting and fun.

There are so many sights to see and places to visit that it is nearly impossible to see them all. The monuments include the Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument, Grant's Tomb and many others. The memorials commemorating World Wars One and Two as well as the Vietnam War are also there.

The newest monument it the one recently opened in honor of Martin Luther King. It is located on the National Mall with several of the other most important sites. It is also near the site of his most famous speech about his dream.

Engaging students in learning is what Washington DC class trips are all about. Students may be inspired to explore more history or politics after seeing the many historical sights. Others will find inspiration toward science after visiting the great museums. Personal growth and confidence is also a possible result.

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