Why It Is Essential To Have Obstruction Lighting

By Patty Goff

Structures that are made to protrude high in the sky can become a safety hazard depending on their height. This is because airplanes need to navigate around them. There are rules and regulations that are set by the Federal Aviation Administration to ensure safety of air crafts. Regulations include the requirements for obstruction lighting as well as painting.

All structures which are more than 200 feet tall are subjected to the lighting requirements of the FAA. Some structures which are not as tall also need proper lighting depending on where they are located. Studies are done to determine which locations need special requirements for the structures. Studies may also reveal that a building of the proscribed height does not require lights as it may not present a hazard to aircraft.

A few structures present extraordinary dangers such that they oblige higher guidelines than the expressed ones. The proposals shift as per the area, landscape and additionally climate designs. For the instance of wind turbines, the outline and in addition the quantity of turbines decides the principles that are needed.

It is vital to have guy wires on tall buildings. FAA regulations state that planes ought to keep at least 500 feet from structures. Concerning guy wires airplanes ought to keep no less than 200 feet on a horizontal direction. Since the wires are not seen until the plane draws near to them it is essential to have lights with the goal that they can make them clearly visible.

There are diverse sorts of lights accessible to guarantee that different structures meet the regulations. A few lights are intended to continue blazing. Color of the lights is likewise diverse ranging from red to white. The power of the light fluctuates from low, medium and high. Now and again it is important to utilize double lights. You can choose between blazing or unfaltering lighting. The sort of lights you need is controlled by the tallness of the building.

Around evening time it is obliged that red lights must be on. They can be glimmering or they can be constant on the guides of the right structures. Buildings that climb over 200 feet need white blazing lights which are of medium power amid day time and amid nightfall hours. During the evening this intensity should be lessened. Glimmering lights of high power can be utilized amid sundown hours or daytime. Notwithstanding, they must be diminished amid the night.

For buildings which are at least 500 feet this kind of lighting is not recommended. Dual light systems utilize red lights during the night. During the daytime and twilight high or medium intensity lights are used in flashing mode.

It is important to install the proper lights when the building is being constructed. When the building reaches a height which requires permanent lights a couple of medium or high intensity white lights need to be put in place. They lights need to be on 24 hours a day all week. In towns and urban areas where white street lights are present red obstruction lights are recommended. Painting should also be there. It is also advisable to use a dual system that has light of medium intensity.

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