2012 Mayan Calendar Predictions Investigated

By Frank D Gardner

Mayan Prognostications

The mysteries of Mayan culture and technology remain a subject that provokes intense fascination and curiosity from modern observers. Their mastery of mathematics, astronomy, language, agriculture, and architecture centuries or millennia before other world civilizations makes them a power reminder of how high man can climb with little in the way of industrialized resources, and their sudden collapse is a sobering reminder that any society, no matter how successful, can be laid low by circumstance and failure to adapt. Their particular expertise at crafting calendars has made predictions about the world events to occur at the end of their 13th cycle very interesting to many who find the projected calendar date fast approaching.

In fact, with the year 2012 fast approaching, popular conceptions about their "doomsday" predictions to warrant numerous books and films (both informational and fictional), festivals, and even inspire real fear - or hope - in those who choose to take the prophecies seriously.

The Prophecies of 2012

Mayan spiritual texts forecast many events surrounding the end of a series on the long-count calendar , occurring on approximately the 22n day of December, 2012. At that time, the earth was predicted to begin undergoing a day-long spiritual and cosmological transformation. The following list of seven prophecies are foretold to take place on this day:

1. Ticking Clock. The 20 years before 2012, starting in 1992, were seen as the final winding down of a clock which measured the time human beings had left to behave in their current, foolish, destructive ways. As this time limit draws to an end, according to prophecy, humans will have to make a choice to bring themselves into greater spiritual alignment with nature and the cosmos, or face the utter remaking of everything they know and understand.

2. Inner Search. The second prophecy highlights the necessity of humanity to turn inwards in a self-reflective search for truth and greater harmony with its surroundings. An eclipse on April 11, 1999 was identified as symbolizing the shift in galactic energy which would affect the minds of all intelligent beings, bringing us all into greater alignment even without being consciously aware of it.

3. Choice of Paths. According to the third prophecy, mankind will have the opportunity to choose between walking a path of peace and well-being, or travel a dark road of suffering and destruction. Though one path might be more difficult and deadly, both are, in the end symbolic of our species reaching a kind of enlightenment; hardships will only persist so long as we need them to understand our true place in the universe.

4. Climate Havoc. The Mayans, using their phenomenal knowledge of astronomy and calendars, observed Venus closely, and predicted that every 117 spins, the sun would enter a cycle of increased activity, leading us into a period of climbing temperatures and global warming.

5. System Crash. The organizations of man will come tumbling to an end. Man's corrupt societies will fall, and have to be replaced with new ones in closer harmony with the universe.

6. Comets Aplenty. The Mayans saw the arrival of comets as sure sign of major changes on the horizon, and predicted that one would surely pass overhead to signify the cosmic shift about to be ushered in.

7. Worldwide Wakeup. The seventh and final prophecy makes it clear that no matter which path we choose, humanity is destined to arrive at a place of greater understanding and harmony, both within our communities and also in terms of our connection with the plant and animal life of Mother Earth. Therefore, despite Hollywood's take on the subject, no fiery doom was forecast by the Maya for the planet, nor did they view the 13th cycle's closing as an end - rather it was foretold to be a beginning, a fresh start for both all human souls and the biosphere as a whole.

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