What a Virtual Concierge Means for Your Concierge Services

The virtual concierge is exactly what it sounds like: a virtual version of the traditional, human concierge. On-site, this is accomplished with a digital kiosk or interactive sign display and a dedicated software application. Some software versions also allow for Web versions that can be accessed by a guest on- or off-site through any Web-enabled device. Incredibly, these virtual concierge systems are getting closer and closer to doing everything the traditional concierge can do, and even things he or she can't.

Virtual Digital Concierge Data Integration
Perhaps the software feature that truly makes the virtual concierge an incredible investment is its data integration feature. Not all virtual concierge software applications have this feature, or at least not all of them have the same level of data integration. This software feature allows your virtual concierge to synthesize wayfinding information from Google, Yahoo, or Bing maps, venue listings from other content providers, real-time data from still other providers, and your business's own internal databases. This allows your virtual concierge to provide all the information a guest could find from their Web-enabled smart device, plus additional content. This also allows the kiosk or interactive display to provide the local content of a traditional concierge with the universal and convenient information of social networking and Web content providers.

Hospitality not the only Industry Changing its Ways

The virtual concierge also enables guests to go ahead and make their reservations online, wherever businesses allow. More and more, these online reservation services comprise the vast majority of businesses in any given area. Alternately, the digital concierge can provide the contact and reservation information for a selected business or venue. This information can then be used by the guest to directly make the reservation, or the guest can ask the human concierge or guest services staff member to make the reservation. Moreover, some hospitality venues use their virtual concierge services to boost ad revenues by letting local businesses advertise through the virtual digital concierge. This might seem like a distraction to more upscale venues, but budget-oriented hotels and hospitality venues might be able to use these extra revenues to cover the cost of the virtual concierge software and hardware components. Using this scheme, many venues are offering concierge services where they couldn't afford to do so before.

The Changing Role of the Concierge

Of course, a staff member, most likely the concierge, must still have this extensive base of local knowledge to achieve this superior information database. In this way, most digital concierge products and services aren't supplanting the human concierge, so much as changing the traditional role of the concierge desk. Business networking is likely to become more important. On the other hand, there is still likely to be a substantial component of face-to-face guest interaction, as older and/or more old-fashioned guests prefer to talk to a person for their local information and reservation planning.

If you want to read more about Virtual Concierge and how it can help your business or to see examples of the kinds of signage that FWi has developed for its clients, just visit their website: www.fourwindsinteractive.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dale_Franchise

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