Try Out Canoe Harpeth River Today

By Christa Jarvis

Any day that one spends canoeing at the Harpeth River will always live to be memorable. Quality time can be sent with family or friends while engaging in activities that are very different from sitting on a couch while staring at an electronic device. Get of your urban life and enjoy the Canoe Harpeth River experience while surrounded by the calm natural environment.

The trip down the canoe river can only be described as being epic. All canoes shall be provided for by the commercial paddling provider. Also provided alongside the transportation are life vests and paddles. Transportation to and from the river will also be among the services one will be privy to. Ensure that you pack your vehicle you have arrived with in an area with shade so as to avoid returning back to it all heated up. The best service providers avail good parking places.

The Harpeth River is a slow winding river which has a few occasional mild rapids which will throw in and wake up the paddler at certain times. Some people just want to swim, fish and relax. Whatever the intention one came with, the stream is all accommodative.

The simplest way of gaining access to canoes and well as other means of transportation is to rent out canoes from the commercial transport providers located nearby. Using some extra effort and beforehand reservations troops can be able to procure from Boxwell scout reservation some canoes.

The access of canoes can be availed at the 1862 Newsoms Mill ruins, McCrory Lane Bridge at Hidden Lake and the U. S Hwy. 100 Bridge. Due to the river being narrow it shall provide an appropriate point of access both downstream and upstream. Opportunities will be availed for both advanced and beginner paddlers to be able to float on the river. Everyone is free to bring along their own kayak or canoe. Present are also local commercial outfitters who will provide information on your trip and rental bots.

When one views the stream they will be able to see fish jumping about. This fish in particular are the bass, smallmouth, catfish, perch and the croppies. There are also other river critters that are inviting for you to see. Some of this animals are beavers, otters, blue herons, deer, ducks, turtles and snakes. As for the scenery it is very eye catching as we view mile after mile of trees which overhang and are interspersed with fields filled with grass as well as towering rocky cliffs.

Among some of the popular activities also done at this place is hiking. There are several trails that lead via the park with their own levels of difficulty. The place is just the right area to be for all those who have a craving for adventure.

As the paddlers pass via the Montgomery Bell Tunnel they will be able to have a vivid feel of marvelous work. This was done by the people back then who using hard chiseled through solid rock to create the beautiful opening. Despite it being spacious enough for a canoe to go through it is still highly dangerous.

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