Some Efficient Ways That Will Actually Help In Stopping The Exploitation Of Children

By Loren Jones

Through traveling on Global Ventures mission trips with John Smithwick and working with the Thailand Harvest Plan, my eyes were opened to a growing evil in Thailand, the exploitation of children. According to Thailand Harvest Plan co-founder Bob Scott, children as young as 10 years old are being exploited daily and sold into prostitution at an ever-increasing rate. Some of the statistics I have found are literally appalling and borderline unbelievable.

* According to an article by Sirirat Pusurinkham, "Girls as young as 10-12 years old service men in the sex industry. Many of the girls typically have sex with ten to fifteen men every day, and sometimes as many as 20 to 30. "

* More than 400,000 children who are not more than 16 years old are exploited very badly in various Thailand clubs, brothels and bars.

It is a fact that most of the Thai families are given very few opportunities for improving their financial status. Many Thai families face extreme poverty and they could not find out any way to come out for their financial crisis. Such disastrous circumstances simply force many parents to sell their children into a life of prostitution and exploitation in order to get some money.

According to a article in the Pattaya Daily News, "It is very common to hear of a child being rented out or sold by their family for financial gain, sometimes for as little as a Baht 2,000-3,000. That's approximately equal to 60 to 90 US dollars." It is really the most terrible truth that people sell their children into the life of prostitution just for the sake of a little amount of money. I really cannot understand how anyone can knowingly force their children to lead a life of exploitation for a mere 60 US dollars.

The main truth behind this matter is that actually the people of Thailand are in need of the truth of Jesus Christ. Acquiring money to end poverty is not the perfect solution to this problem. There is a great need to take strict action against criminals who are buying and exploiting small children and forcing them to lead a life of prostitution. It is a fact that as long as there are people who are willing to pay for exploited children, there are parents who are willing to sell their small kids into life of exploitation and prostitution.

How can things really change in Thailand? How can the exploitation of children be stopped in Thailand? This is really the most important question and I would like to tell you that changes begin when the hearts of people change. It is a fact that the only personality who can bring this change in Thailand is Jesus Christ.

Well, I would like to tell you that the current statistics of Thailand is very grim and there is very little hope regarding it. Now, Bob Scott and John Smithwick are working together and making strides for changing the nation of Thailand.

Global Ventures Mission Trip

John Smithwick is actually bringing the team of Christians from different parts of North America on Global Ventures mission trips. These Christians are actually provided with some basic tools so that they can effectively handle the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Mass Crusades.

I would like to tell you that I also have been a part of five of the Global Ventures mission trips to Thailand. I've experienced first-hand the power that is present to change the hearts and lives of the people who hear the Gospel, some for the very first time. As incredible as the Global Ventures Mission trips are, they are just one piece of the puzzle.

The Thailand Harvest Plan

Thailand Harvest Plan refers to a long-term plan and it's actual purpose was to help facilitate the Thai people who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord through the efforts of the Global Ventures teams. The goal is to be able to plant a church in a new city along with mass crusades. This provides a place for all of the new Christians to go and get trained.

Bob Scott, has really helped Thai nationalists to fulfill various roles within the churches. He has also helped to train the nationals to evangelize and share the Gospel of Jesus with their own people. We have seen thousands of Thais won to Jesus through the efforts of nationals trained within the Thailand Harvest Plan. It's amazing what all is taking place.

It is evident in the Thais who have received Jesus as Lord that there has truly been a change in their hearts and their lives. Change is happening and there is a hope for the future of Thailand, but it's only just begun.

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