How Sunbathing can Damage Your Body

By John Gordon

The secret should really be out by now on the dangers of excessive sunbathing, but the message still seems to be largely falling on deaf ear across the UK. Young men don't seem to have much concern for their long-term health, as demonstrated by patterns in drinking and eating too, and young women as a whole are bombarded with messages that link health to 'looking good.' As a result the statistics show that skin cancer - a relatively preventable cancer - is still the third commonest form for young people in the UK.

The reason that sunlight causes cancer isn't perhaps as complex as it sounds. As soon as you get into UVAs and UVBs it can sound scarily chemical, which in fairness it is, but there's no reason it can't be understood in more simple terms. Cancer comes from DNA being damaged, but not destroyed. DNA is the chemical blueprint for all your cells. A damaged blueprint means that lots of incorrect cells form, and this is what gives rise to tumours. What can damage DNA? One clear cause is radiation from the sun, known as Ultra Violet radiation.

The best protection from this is to not be out in the sun too much, and when you are outside to wear clothing that protects you. Hats and long, flowing clothes will easily do the trick, as well as look chic. For any areas you can't cover, or if you want some time being a little more exposed, use sunscreen. There are plenty of modern efficient screens out there, and the higher the factor the better.

If you're more concerned about looking good than health concerns then there's another simple consideration to take into account. Tanning damages your skin. However much moisturiser and anti-aging cream you use, every time you get tanned your skin has been aged forcefully a bit more. So staying out of the sun will keep you looking young and healthy for longer.

So it's not just about UV and cancer, although in seriousness that should probably be your main concern.

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